职 称:副研究员
学 历:博士
传 真:010-87421046
学习、工作经历: 1982-1987年就读于北京大学,获波斯语言文学学士学位。1987-2000年在中国国际广播电台从事波斯语翻译和播音工作。其间,曾赴伊朗德黑兰大学进修和借调中资公司驻德黑兰办事处任翻译。2000-2005年就读于德黑兰大学人文学系波斯文学专业,先后获波斯文学硕士和博士学位。2005年进入中国社会科学院西亚非洲所从事研究工作。研究领域涉及伊朗外交政策、中伊关系、伊朗核问题、伊朗经济、伊朗社会发展等。在研究方法上注重实地考察、调研、收集第一手资料、研读伊朗学者和教授在相关领域的著作,并通过网络获取伊朗主流媒体信息。在撰写论文时,注重以事实为根据和介绍伊朗学者的观点。
《伊朗“向东看”的战略举措及影响》,载于《中东非洲发展报告 No.13(2010-2011):解析中东非洲国家的“向东看”现象, 社科文献出版社,2011年
《中伊友好关系和中国在伊朗核问题上的原则立场》,载于《中东非洲发展报告 No.11(2007-2008):伊朗核问题多视角透视, 社科文献出版社,2009年
Name:lu jin
Lu jin Female, Associate Research Fellow, the Division of Social and Cultural Studies of Institute of West-Asian and African Studies IWAAS, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences CASS.B.A. 1987degree in Persian language literature got from Beijing University, China. Being translator and Persian broadcaster in China International Broadcasting Station.from 1987 to 2000. In the meantime, completed Persian language at Tehran University and worked in one of Chinese State-run companies in Tehran Office as a Persian interpreter. From 2000 to 2012, getting Literature M.A.and Ph.D. from Department of Human Studies and Persian Literature of Tehran University. Working for the Division of Social and Cultural Studies of Institute of West Asian and African Studies IWAAS from 2005 to the present.The major field of her study.
In work, she has paid attention to investigation on the field trips, getting the first-hand information, studying the works of Iranian scholars and professors in related fields and collecting the news and information through the local internet and newspapers, writing articles on facts and introducing the opinions of Iranian scholars. She won the Ninth National Iranian manuscripts Protector Award by her Persian work CHIN NAMA on August, 2009. This award was set up in 2000 and issued by Iranian Nation Library and Iranian Parliament Library together once a year. It is very important Iranian state-grade award-issuing program in order to encourage the study and protection of ancient historical documents. Ten scholars won it in 2009 and Dr. Lu Jin not only was a foreigner among them but also was the first Chinese scholar that won the Iranian Nation Books Award. CHIN NAMAH of Matteo Ricci in Persian text is a valuable cultural heritage and has the important academic research value for Iranians.
Dr. Lu Jin corrected the whole Persian text of CHIN NAMAH and made notes about difficult words, sentences, person names, place names and proper noun. She introduced concerning Chinese ancient history, culture and customs and made a lot of comments about CHIN NAMAH in the original by Matteo Ricci and life and book of Muhammad Zaman, Persian Translator. This result of research has filled a gap in the Iranian Chinese Stuties.
◆Major field of study:
·Iran’s Foreign Policy
·Modern relations between China and Iran
·Iranian nuclear issue
·Iranian Economy
·Social Development in Iran
◆Major Publications:
Lujin, 2008, CHIN NAMAH, Tehran, Miras-I Maktub
Lujin, zhangliming, 2011, Iran - the converging point of Eastern and Western civilizations, Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong Press
Lujin, Iran:“Look to the East ” Strategic Policy and Effects, Beijing, Annual Report on Development in the Midlle East and Africa No.13 2010-2011
Lujin,, Contemporary situation of Iranian civil society Analysis, Beijing, West Asia and Africa, No.9 ,2010
Lujin, Sino-Iranian Friendly Relations and Chinese Position on Iran Nuclear Issue, Beijing, Annual Report on Development in the Midlle East and Africa No.13 2007-2008
Lujin, Iran''s oil industry history and status quo, Beijing, West Asia and Africa, No.11 ,2007
Lujin, 2008, the Iranian political, economic and diplomatic, Beijing, World Knowledge Press, Asia yearbook 2008