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文章来源:张宏明    日期:2002-06-10
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【摘要】 智慧哲学在非洲哲学中属于传统哲学 ,即文化哲学的一个分支。非洲传统哲学由人种哲学、宗教哲学和智慧哲学构成 ,它与政治哲学和专业哲学并列构成非洲哲学的三大流派。非洲传统哲学有“集体层面”和“私人层面”之分 ,二者处于不同的认识层次。一般而言 ,前者是同集体性的大众信仰联系在一起的 ;而后者系诉诸批判性分析的个人思考。智慧哲学属于传统哲学的私人层面 ,它是与非洲传统社会中某些哲人个人的理性思维联系在一起的  

【英文摘要】 As a branch of culture philosophy, sage philosophy belongs to the traditional philosophy in African philosophy. African traditional philosophy is constituted with ethnic philosophy, religious philosophy and sage philosophy, and it is one of the three schools of African philosophy the other two schools are political philosophy and professional philosophy. In African traditional philosophy, there is a distinction between "collective level" and "private level", both of which belong to the different cognitive... 

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