大中小 -
姓 名:王京烈
职 称:研究员
学 位:70年代末毕业于北京第二外国语学院,1982-84年留学开罗大学政治经济学院研究生部;
传 真:010-87421046
--《中东在中国外交战略中的地位》page 325-347,载于《中国与世界:新变化、新认识与新定位》中国社会科学出版社2011年12月出版,
--“Problems and Challenges Ahead”, China Daily 05/23/2012, page9
--Back at the Table,Iran and the P5+1 are talking again. Will it make any difference? Beijing Review NO. 17 APRIL 26, 2012
--Comment assurer la securite des travailleurs chinois a l''''etranger? China Today, Avril 2012, No.4, pp39-40 ,How to ensure the safety of Chinese workers abroad?
--Beijing''''s Middle East policy justified, China Daily 2012-2-15, page 9,
--《南苏丹未来荆棘载途》,《社会观察》(Social Outlook, 上海)2011年第8期,P34-36;
--What Goes Around, (The title in front cover: Contradictions Muddle West''''s Iran Strategy)
Beijing Review, NO. 49, DECEMBER 8, 2011, page 10;
--''Syria is not another Libya'', By Wang Jinglie China Daily, P.9, 2011-10-21
--Secession Brigns Challenges, Beijing Review, Vol.54, No.8, P.10-11, February 24, 2011;
--“Shock Waves”, Beijing Review, No. 30, July 29, 2010,《加沙救援船事件余波未尽》;
--“Building a New Silk Road, Beijing Review”, No.21, May27, 2010; 《建设新丝绸之路—中阿关系的发展与前景》;
--“Sudan''''s Challenges”, China Africa, vol. 2, June 2010, P. 10~11; 《苏丹面临的挑战》;
--“A New Climate Across the Sahara”, Beijing Review, No.19, May13, 2010; 《苏丹大选与政治发展》;
--“Review and Thoughts over the Relationship between China and the Middle East”; Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, No. 1, March 2010; 《中国与中东国家关系的回顾与思考》
--''''Middle East Solution'''', Beijing Review No. 51, December 24, 2009;《奥巴马新政与中东和平》年终专稿;
--“The Gaza War”, Beijing Review, updated: January-19-2009 Web Exclusive
--“News Analysis: Only compromise can solve Gaza crisis”
www.chinaview.cn 2009-01-17 02:08:41 《只有妥协才能解决加沙危机》
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2009-01/17/content_10671872.htm ;
--“A Chance for an Olive Branch”, Beijing Review, No.16, Mar.17, 2008; 《哈马斯法塔赫和解谈判与中东和平》;
-- “Struggling for an Identity”, Beijing Review, No.13, Mar.27, 2008; 《再谈伊拉克局势—写在伊战爆发5周年之际》;
另有法文版 French version ''Nouvelle étude sur la situation en Irak'' in Beijing Information,
http://www.bjinformation.com/alaune/txt/2008-03/26/content_107592.htm ;
-- “Islamic Reformation and the Social Transition in Middle East:a World History Approach”, Journal of Middle Easter and Islamic Studies, No.1, April 2008; 《伊斯兰宗教改革与中东社会变革》
--“New Plight”,Beijing Review, No. 47, 2004,
--“Hope from Chaos”, Beijing Review August 19, 2004;
--Special Volume (10pages)on Introducing Prof. Wang Jinglie, Arab Information Center, No. 347, 2003-03-28;
-- ‘Palestine-Israeli Conflict: Main Effecting Factors and Predictive Analysis’ republished in Arabic by Arab Information Center, No. 400, 2003-10-17; 15 pages
--Globalization and the Middle East, IWAAS Special Volume 2003;
--Succession Crisis and Social Reform, IWAAS Special Volume 2003;
--The Crisis Of Succession And Social Reform In Middle East / paper for the 4th International Conference of Asian Federation of Middle East Studies Associations, August 2002, and one of Collected Works of the Conference.
--The Real Goals Behind US “Dual Containment” Policy,5pages, Cyprus conference 2000/05/28
Gulf: Triangular Relation and Regional Security, for ‘Gulf Security’ conference, Istanbul March 1999, published by Peace And Policy in 1999 Fall/Winter;
An Analytic Theory On The Middle East International Relations, for 8TH International Symposium of KAMES,published by KAMES Oct, 1999;
《中阿友好关系的回顾与前瞻》,《阿拉伯之家》Sino-Arab Relations: Retrospect and Prospect (中/阿两种文字,阿拉伯驻华使团主办刊物) 1997年第8期;*
《冷战后的埃及外交》,《亚非纵横》1996年第 2期;
《世纪末的抉择与新的挑战》,《西亚非洲》1996年第 2期;
《刍议俄罗斯重返中东》,《西亚非洲》1995年第 2期;*
Trend And Prospect Of The Middle East Peace Process,
《俄罗斯中东政策动向》,《西亚非洲调研》1995年 1月;
《困扰多国的库尔德问题》,《西亚非洲》1994年第 5期;*
《论中东国家边界问题》,《西亚非洲》1994年第 2期;*
The Political Pattern In Middle East Post-Cold War,
It is for 34th International Congress of Asian and North African Studies In Hong Kong, September, 1993.
《冷战后大国在中东的争夺态势》,《西亚非洲》1993年第 6期;*
《阿以冲突前景分析》,《西亚非洲》1991年第 6期;
《埃及小土地所有制及对农业发展的影响》,《西亚非洲》1989年第 4期;
《阿拉伯国家的移民问题》,《西亚非洲》1987年第 6期;
《马克思关于识别民族运动的标准——兼论犹太复国主义运动》,《西亚非洲资料》1987年第 1期;
The Institute of West Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
P.O. Box 1120# 3 Zhang Zizhong Lu,
Beijing,China 100007
Fax: 64035718
Tel: 64039159 office,
E-mail: wangjinglie@cass.org.cn
Director of Division of Middle East Studies, Institute of West Asian and African
Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences IWASS, CASS, since 1988;
Professor and Secretary-General of The Gulf Research Center, Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences, since 1996;
Deputy Director of Center for Regional Security Studies, CASS, since 2002;
Member of Academic Board, IWAAS, since 1992;
Director, Center for Third World Studies, CASS, since 1994;
Standing Council Member of Chinese Society for Middle East Studies, since 1990;
Council Member of Asia- Africa Development & Exchange Society of China, since 1995;
Member of Editorial Advisory Board of ''The West Asia & Africa,'' since 1993;
BA, Beijing International Studies University, September 1975---January 1979;
Graduate Studies, Faculty of Politics & Economics, Cairo University, and Research in the field
of Middle East studies 1982- 1984.
Foreign Language: English and Arabic.
Academic Interests:
U.S. Policy toward Middle East, Political Development in Middle East, Comparative Politics
and International Relations in Middle East, Islam and Social Development in Middle East;
Professional Experience:
On Middle East Studies more then 30 years in IWAAS. CASS,
---Assistant, 1979,
---Lecturer, 1985,
---Associate Professor, 1991,
---Professor since 1996;
Research Fellow in Department of Politics, Exeter University, U.K, 1989-1990;
Visiting Professor in Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Georgetown University, U.S.A,
Fall 1996- Spring 1997;
Senior Fellow in ISIM, Leiden University, Netherlands, January-June 2005;
As a International Observer in Sudan General Election, April 2010;
Main Publications:
--Interpreting Middle East: Theoretical Building and Empirical Research, World Publishing Corporation, June 2011;
--The Contemporary Social Political Thoughts in Middle East, Contemporary World Publishing
House, 2003;
-- Middle East Toward 21st Century, China Social Science Documentation Publishing
House, 1999;
--Developing Report On Middle East & Africa: 1997~98, co-author, China Social Science
Documentation Publishing House, 1998;
-- The Multi-Perspective Analysis of Turbulent Middle East, World Affairs Press, 1996;
-- Yasser Arafat and Palestinian Issue, Changchun Press, 1996 and New Version re-published 2001;
-- Political Structure in Middle East Post-Cold War, co-author, China Social Sciences
Publishing House, 1995;
-- Rapid Development of The Economy in Gulf States, co-author, Press of Document on
Sciences & Technology, 1989;
-- The Political Leaders in Africa, co-author, World Affairs Press, 1989;
-- The Economy of Five Countries in North Africa, co-author, Press of Current Affairs, 1987;
Main Papers
--“A Chance for an Olive Branch” Beijing Review, No.16, Mar.17, 2008;
--“Struggling for an Identity” Beijing Review, No.13, Mar.27, 2008;
French version ''Nouvelle étude sur la situation en Irak'' in Beijing Information,
--“Islamic Reformation and the Social Transition in Middle East:a World History Approach”, Journal of Middle Easter and Islamic Studies, No.1, April 2008;
--“Hard Journey in Middle East Politics”, a Chapter from Developing Report on Middle East & Africa, China Social Science Documentation Publishing House, February, 2007;
--“Multi-Culture and Harmonious Society”, a paper for The First International Conference on ''The Cultural Middle Ground'', Cairo- Egypt, December 24 – 28, 2006;
--“Exit Strategy” Beijing Review, No. 47, November 23, 2006,
--“Challenges face Hamas Government”, Contemporary World, No. 5, 2006;
--“Lebanon-Israeli Conflict and Middle East Situation”, Asia and Africa, No. 5, 2006;
--“On Egypt’s Foreign Policy since the 1950s”, West Asia & Africa, No. 4, 2006;
--“Hamas Uprising and the Arab-Israeli Conflict”, Asia and Africa, No. 2, 2006;
--“Palestine-Israeli Conflict: Composition of Theory and Analysis of Prospect”, Arab World Studies, No.1, 2006;
--The Era Post-Arafat: Challenges, Chance and Choice, West Asia and Africa, No. 1, 2005;
--Complicated and Variable Situation in Iraq, Asian and Africa, No.1, 2005;
--“New Plight”, Beijing Review, No. 47, Nov. 25, 2004,
--“Hope from Chaos”, Beijing Review, No.33, Aug. 19, 2004,
--“China and Middle East: Analysis of Complementarities and Economic Cooperation” a paper for Zhejiang Economic Forum, June 2004;
--“Destiny and Future of the Islamic World”, International Studies, No. 1, 2004;
--“A Review of Middle East Situation in the Wake of Iraq War”, Asia & Africa, No. 1, 2004;
--“On Iraq’s Future”, World Affairs, No. 1, 2004;
--“Palestine-Israeli Conflicts: Main Effecting Factors & Predictive Analysis”, West Asia & Africa,
No. 5, 2003; and republished in Arabic by Arab Information Center, No. 400, 2003-10-17;
--“Could the Peace Be Realized by the Road Map?” in Arabic, China Today, No. 8, 2003;
--“Succession Crisis and Social Reform in Middle East”, IWAAS Special Volume 2003;
--“Iraq war and International Relation Issues”, in Arabic, China Today, No. 2, 2003;
--“Controlling two Oceans by Strangling Middle East”, China’s Petrol- Chemic, No. 1, 2003;
--“On Interactive Relation between Middle East Political Thoughts and Social Reform”, West Asia
& Africa, No. 6, 2002;
--“Peace or War?” in Arabic,China Today, No. 9, 2002;
--“Where Will Palestine Go?” West Asia & Africa, No. 5, 2002;
--“Globalization and the Middle East”, Arab World, No. 4, 2002;
--“How Far to Reach the Peace in Middle East”, Asia & Africa, No. 5, 2001;
--“Implications of the Gulf War on Middle East”, World News, January 18, 2001;
--“A New Generation of Middle East toward New Century”, Asia & Africa, No. 1, 2001;
--“An Estimation on Syrian-Israeli Negotiation”, West Asian & African, No. 1, 2000;
--“Political Misfortune and Succession Crisis”, Development Report On Middle East & Africa, China Social Science Documentation Publishing House, 2000;
--“Political and Economic Situation in Middle East”, Development Report On Middle East & Africa, China Social Science Documentation Publishing House, 2000;
--“The Real Goals Behind US ‘Dual Containment’ Policy”,Cyprus Conference, May 26-28, 2000;
--“Grasp the Nature via Analyzing Recent Conflict: A Report on Palestine Situation”, World Affaires, No. 22, 2000;
--“Gulf: Triangular Relation and Regional Security”, Peace And Policy, Fall / Winter, 1999;
--“Desert Fox and the Influence to the Region and the World”, West Asia & Africa, No. 1, 1999;
--“The Main Factors upon Gulf Security”, West Asia & Africa, No. 4, 1999;
--“Palestinian State: is Threat or Help to Peace?” World Affairs, No.20, 1999;
--“The Difficulties in Middle East Peace Process”, People’s Daily May 21, 1999;
--“On Immigration and Population Structure in Persian Gulf”, West Asia & Africa, No. 2, 1999;
--“On Crisis of Succession in Middle East countries”, World Affairs, No.3, 1999;
--“An Analytic Theory on the Middle East International Relations”, for 8TH International
Symposium of KAMES and published by KAMES Oct. 1999;
--“Analytic Theory of The Middle East International Relations”, West Asia & Africa, No. 6, 1998;
--“U.S. Policy to Middle East: in dilemma”, Report of Middle East and Africa, March, 1998;
--“On the Contention of Great Powers in Middle East Region”, Report of Middle East and
Africa, March 1998;
--“On Strategic Position of the Middle East & New Adjustment of the US Middle East Policy”,
West Asia & Africa, No. 2, 1998;
--“On Diplomatic Factors in the Comprehensive National Power: Israel and Kuwait as Two
Cases”, West Asia & Africa, No. 6, 1997;
--“Sino-Arab Relations: History and Prospect”, Arab Family, in Chinese & Arabic, No. 8, 1997;
--“The Choice in the End of Century and New Challenges”, West Asia & Africa, No. 2, 1996;
--“On Golan Heights and the Peace Talk Between Israel and Syria”, World Affairs, No.3, 1996;
--“Trend and Prospect of Middle East Peace Process”, Foreign Affairs Journal No.36, June 1995;
--“On Russia''''s Return to the Middle East”, West Asia & Africa, No.2, 1995;
--“The Kurd Problem: Perplexing Many Countries”, West Asia & Africa No.5, 1994;
--“First Step to Peace: On the PLO-Israel Declaration of Principles”, Encyclopedic Knowledge,
No.1, 1994;
--“On Boundary Issues of the Middle East Countries”, West Asia & Africa, No. 2, 1994;
--“On the Interchange of Roles in Arab-Israeli Conflict”, Israeli Affair, No.5, 1994;
--“Analysis of Whole Israeli Policy in Arab-Israeli Peace Talk”, Israeli Affair No.1, 1994;
--“The Historical Root and Development of The Arab-Israeli Conflict”, Academic Journal,
Graduate School CASS., No. 3, 1993;
--“On the Contention Situation between Great Powers in Middle East Post-Cold War”, West
Asia & Africa, No. 6, 1993;
--“On Evolution and Development of US Policy toward Middle East”, West Asia & Africa,
No. 4, 1993;
--“The Crux of Reconciliation between Arab Countries and Israel”, World Politics &
Economics, No. 9, 1992;
--“On the Unity and Split in the Arab World”, West Asia & Africa, No. 4, 1992;
--“On Arab- Israeli Conflict and the Middle East Peace Conference”, Encyclopedic Magazine,
No. 7, 1992;
--“Seeing Arab-Israeli Conflict Whole: from Palestinian War to Madrid Peace Conference”,
West Asia & Africa, No. 2, 1992;
--“The Situation of Arab-Israeli Conflict after Gulf War”, West Asia & Africa, No. 6, 1991;
--“The New World Order and Middle East”, West Asia & Africa, No. 4, 1991;
--“The Political Structure in Middle East after Gulf War”, West Asia & Africa, No. 2, 1991;
--“Gulf Crisis and the Middle East Situation”, World Politics & Economics, No. 2, 1991;
--“The Third World Role in Establishing New World Order”, World Affairs, No. 12,1991;
--“The Tree Key Factors Influencing On Middle East Situation”, Israeli Affair, No. 2, 1991;
--“The Impact & Influence of Gulf Crisis On The Palestinian Issue”, World Politics &
Economics, No. 12, 1990;
--“The Small Plot System In Egypt & Its Influence On Agricultural Development”, West
Asian & Africa, No. 4, 1989;
-- “Rapid Development of Saudi Arabia Agriculture”, World Affairs, No. 6, 1989;
--“On Zionism Movement and Palestine Issue”, The Documents of West Asian & Africa, No.1, 1989.
--Omitted here to mention Papers published before 1989.——